12L Tax Allowance

Energy Efficiency tax rebate increased to 95c/kWh!

(Amendment of section 12L of Act 58 of 1962, as substituted by section 29 of Act 22 of 2012 and amended by section 38 of Act 31 of 2013)

 18 January 2016

Please note that in terms of the recently promulgated Taxation Laws Amendment Act, Act No. 25 of 2015, published in Government Gazette No. 39588, the Section 12L energy efficiency tax incentive has been amended and improved to increase the amount of the (measured and verified) deduction from 45c to 95 cents per kilowatt hour or kilowatt hour equivalent of energy saved. Furthermore, the increased rate is deemed to have come into operation on 1 March 2015 and applies in respect of years of assessment commencing on or after that date.